Hosting a large event is a challenging task. Every step of the preparation process leading up to the event is crucial to its success. It is undeniable that one of the most significant aspects of planning a big event is hiring a video production company. The right video production equipment and technology is fundamental in setting the tone, making the event even more unforgettable. But how do you choose an video production company?
Top-Notch Equipment And Technology
Event production businesses stay on top of trends and technology within the industry to remain competitive. One indication that an AV company is on top of its game is the availability of high-end equipment and new tech. Anyone renting AV equipment knows that quality is a must, and the budget is only secondary. If you are comparing several companies, it will all boil down to which one of them has the best and most advanced equipment.
Experience And Versatility
AV companies cater to almost every kind of event. But there are some which have more experience in providing the services needed for particular productions. Are you hosting a business convention or a concert? With the goals of the event in mind, you may proceed with determining which AV Company has the relevant experience to provide the best possible service.
Competitive Quotes
Do not get a quote from a single company. Get at least three quotes and scrutinise the details of each. What are the inclusions and exclusions? Which company offers the best value for money? Are you also looking into factors such as accessibility and logistics?
Some event venues offer the option to use an in-house AV company. If the location is otherwise inaccessible to third-party AV vendors, you may also consider hiring the in-house AV team instead. When it comes to pricing, the cheapest is not always best. With several factors to consider, make sure that you are selecting an AV rental service which will best serve and realise the intended outcome of the event.
Full Service
The AV rental company also needs to include take-down costs as part of the quote. Post-event clean-up is time-consuming and worrying about removing and storing AV equipment should be the responsibility of the AV Company. Apart from the quality of the equipment, the company also needs to have reliable staff and employees who will handle the set-up, maintenance, and take-down of the facilities.
Communicates And Is Open To Ideas
As the client, you need to be able to realize your vision for the event. The AV company needs to be flexible regarding your ideas. A good AV company will act as your partner and collaborator, listening to your input and making sure that it is put into action. Although it helps for an video production company to have a distinct point of view, the client’s needs should remain paramount.
Choose The Right Video Production Company
Nonetheless, there is a delicate balance between the creative freedom of the AV company and giving in to the whims of the client. As the customer, it is also critical that you allow them to guide you in coming up with the best AV solutions to successfully execute your vision.